ISO certification and SMEs

*Small and Medium Enterprises

*Small and Medium Enterprises

You may not realise it but some of first standards were developed as early as 3150 BC by the ancient Egyptians. They came in the form of standardised units of measurement necessary to construct their great pyramids. In the many years since, standards have been further incorporated into our everyday lives.   

These days, the standards that most commonly affect businesses are ones relating to business practices and products. The continued relevance of these standards lies in the value that can be derived from meeting standard requirements in a certain field. Recognition for this achievement then also sets leading businesses apart from the pack.

Despite small and medium sized organisations making up over 90% of the world's businesses, many SMEs maintain a reluctance to take that extra step and become certified on an internationally recognised level. 

ISO is an independent, non-governmental organization made up of members from the national standards bodies of 163 countries. They produce and manage a number of internationally recognised standards for how businesses operate e.g., ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety etc. 

The benefits that come from certification in an ISO standard are broad and varied regardless of company’s size. However, when it comes to SMEs these benefits can make all the difference, for instance: eliminating wasteful expenditures (of time and cost), establishing a strong framework for best practice across every business level, and increasing overall business efficacy. International standardisation can also add a new level of credibility to your business which in turn can boost confidence and rapport with clients.  

Additionally, ISO standard adoption will also help open up export markets for your products and services, initiate opportunities to participate in global supply chains, and strengthen your company’s position in the international sphere. For SMEs this capacity to level the playing field with large conglomerates cannot be underestimated.  

If you’re interested in finding out more about the standards you can be certified in, please contact us or review our Certification Services page.  

Alicja Gibert